Last summer, a fascinated
blockbuster movie ¡§Finding Nemo¡¨ caught much attention of viewers all around
the world. The story begins in the Great Barrier Reef, Eden of the oceans,
where Nemo a clownfish lives a happy and well-protected life with his father
Marlin. Due to his disobedience, he swims beyond the Reef and is captured by
diver. Nemo is brought to the city and eventually to live a life as a captive
in a small fish tank of a Sydney dentist. His situation seems hopeless. Driven
by the passion of love, his father Marlin, teamed up with Bruce the white
pointer, Dory the blue tang and Nigel the pelican, charge on an underwater
rescue from the Reef to Sydney. Through all kinds of dangers, Marlin risks his
life to save his son and Nemo is finally reunion with his father and return to
the Reef. This story has many related messages to the Gospel of Salvation.
We once belonged to God like
Nemo lived happily with his father
Like Nemo, we mankind once
belonged to God the Father and the Creator of this beautiful world. God created
us in His image and according to likeness. By His sovereign grace, He entrusted
us to rule over and enjoy this world.
(Genesis 1:26)
Our disobedience led us
separated from God like Nemo
Nemo disobeyed his father.
He moved beyond the limit of the Reef, caught and separated from his father. It
is because of our stubbornness and foolishness; we violate God¡¦s standards and
move beyond the moral and spiritual limit. We sin against God by our
disobedience. ¡§All
we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way; and
the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.¡¨ (Isaiah 53:6)
We are hopeless and cannot
save ourselves
Nemo stayed in a small fish
tank as a captive. He could not save himself from the hopeless situation. We
all lose in sins and keep as hostages of sins. We cannot save ourselves from
the control of sins, death and Satan. ¡§Therefore, just as through one man sin
entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men,
because all sinned.¡¨ (Romans 5:12)
Driven by love God came to
rescue us
Due to the father¡¦s love,
Marlin risked his life and made all effort to save his lost son Nemo. Jesus the
Son of God came to this world as Man and rescued us from the control of sins,
death and Satan. He died for us on the cross as a substitute so that we can be
freed. ¡§But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He
loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with
Christ (by grace you have been saved).¡¨ (Ephesians 2:4-5)
Nemo took a step of faith
In order to get saved, Nemo
took a leap of faith from the fish tank and finally found by his father. With
the great salvation prepared by God, we also need a step of faith so that we
can be saved. ¡§Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with
God through our Lord Jesus Christ.¡¨ (Romans 5:1)
By: Daniel To