Sharing of Family Matters
God! Last Sunday afternoon many church members came back to indicate their
concern for the construction of our assembly hall. At that meeting, the
church-building committee reported in detail on the progress so far, and clarified
for everyone the financial needs of the church. Some members also offered their
comments on the project and on the sourcing of required funds. I am most
thankful for God・s grace in the unity and love for the Lord・s house expressed
by everyone. After the meeting, some members gave me encouragement through
their testimony. They said that their family church in Taiyuan, Shanxi also
experienced the miraculous providence of God when they wanted to build a
church. At first, they had only $600 in their building fund. It was miniscule
compared to the total cost. But when the brothers and sisters all saw clearly
that the project was the will of God, they reached out from their love of the
Lord and the church, and through their faith prayed fervently and offered
sedulously. The outcome was the final completion of their structure. The Lord
Jesus Christ we believe in is called the Faithful and True witness; the Ruler
of God・s creation. (Revelation 3:14) He still abides living and true amongst
us. Dear brothers and sisters, this time let us truly experience God together.
consultation by the Elders and Deacons and the church-building committee, it
was unanimously determined that the building plan should continue forward.
Although at the moment the cost of construction has greatly increased from the
initial budget, we do not see how halting and observing for a time would
generate any better result. On the contrary, timidity, lack of faith and
contentment could bring about neglect of the will to erect God・s house, just as
the Israelites of old who were repatriated to Jerusalem and joined in the
reconstruction of the city walls said, :The time has not yet come for the
Lord・s house to be built.; (Haggai 1:2) Dear brothers and sisters, if in the
past we had prayed in one mind and spirit to God and discovered His will in the
matter of the church-building, and if through His mercy and providence He had
provided us with the first million dollars to purchase the land where we are to
build, why do we still doubt that the Lord who is the Author and Perfecter of
all things will not supply us with the additional 2 million dollars to
accomplish His will of construction? Dear brothers and sisters, is anything
impossible for God? Is He not called Jehovah-Jireh (God will provide)? Can
God・s will in His work be both yes and no? Is it only a temple of external wood
and stone that He intends to build? Will He not build us as well, the people
who have been called to glorify the gracious work of the Lord?
we all know, No. 5 Rd. in Richmond has been called :Temple Street; because so
many different religions are established there. We find institutions for
Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs, Hindis, and a spiritual place for transcendental
posture and meditation. Of course there are also Christian assemblies. Since
God has also arranged for the PE Church to build there, on the face of it, that
seems to be a consequence of governmental zoning policy. On a spiritual level
however, it is the progression of territorial expansion of the Heavenly Kingdom.
It is God choosing us to carry on the :Journey to Athens;, so that we can
validate the testimony of His glory in a place teeming with idols, conquering
and fortifying the beachhead of the gospel of His Kingdom. So we should not
regard the building of the church as the final goal. It is just a process
(including the temple of wood and stone and we, the temple of the Holy Spirit).
We must assume as our objective the pleasing of the Lord. Dear brothers and
sisters, let us take concrete action to express to God our love for and our
faith in Him. He has tested us in our adversity.
:Without faith it is
impossible to please Him; (Hebrews 11:6)
By: Daniel To