Manifestation of
The Heavenly Kingdom (4) A King
After God¡¦s Own heart
Times in the past I shared with you in this space ideas pertaining to the
manifestation of the Heavenly Kingdom. We first explored the root of earthly
kingdoms, which originated from mankind¡¦s self-preservation and self-expansion
after leaving God. The motivation of Nimrod¡¦s establishment of cities and
nations was his desire to create a mighty kingdom on earth in order to spread
his own name. Later, God called upon Abraham, who lived by faith. Not only was
an outlet for God¡¦s determination for salvation found from his person, but his
descendents the Israelites were also chosen to be separated from all other
nations to be a sacred people. They would manifest God¡¦s plan for a glorious
kingdom. The Lord would be their God, and will be King forever more.
so-called period of Rule by God¡¦s Authority started when the Israelites left
Egypt. Through Moses, God saved His people from the hand of Pharaoh, then
guided and protected them as they made their way through the wilderness.
Jehovah was their warrior. (Exodus 15:3) God decreed to the Israelites His laws
and precepts, so that they would know how to become subjects pleasing to His
will. Later God led them to war through Joshua, so that they could claim
Canaan, the Promised Land as their inheritance. Throughout this time, they had
the Commander of the Army of Jehovah as their leader. (Joshua 15:4)
Unfortunately, the Israelites did not fully obey the command of God and totally
eliminate the Canaanites. Instead, basking in a serene existence they made a
covenant with the Canaanites, so that the angel of the Lord finally left them.
(Judges 2:1-5) From thence a period of spiritual darkness descended. When the
Israelites were oppressed by the other nations and cried out to the Lord, God
raised up judges to save them on many occasions. Yet He did not set up kings to
rule over them.
the Israelites rejected God as their King (1 Samuel 8:7-9), and they saw
Nahash, king of the Ammonites coming to attack them, they pressured Samuel to
set up a king for them. In fact, Jehovah was already their King. (1 Samuel
12:12-13) Then Saul was chosen by God to be the first king of Israel. From my
own observation though, the plea by the Israelites for a king was not a move
that conformed to God¡¦s timing or will. On the surface, it appeared that God
acceded to their wish. In fact, it went against God¡¦s will because at that
time, a man after God¡¦s own heart had not appeared. Consider the following: (1)
Although God, through Samuel, had warned the Israelites of certain dire
consequences if a king was set up, they still insisted on having a king over
them like the other nations. (1 Samuel 8:19-20) (2) The tone of God¡¦s reply to
their entreaty sounded rather disheartened. (1 Samuel 8:7, 22) (3) Later God
even dispatched thunder and rain to expressly show that this affair of asking
for a king was a grave sin (1 Samuel 12:17-18) (4) Soon after Saul was set up
as king, his spirituality declined rapidly, and God indicated that his reign
would not endure. (1Samuel 13:14) Then Saul repeated committed mistakes, so
that Samuel was troubled and sorrowful. That caused God to regret setting him
up as king, to the extent that his kingship was finally stripped away and given
to David. (1 Samuel 15:10-11)
The Lord chose
David to succeed Saul, calling him a man after God¡¦s own heart. He put David
through all manner of trials and tribulations so that, as a result of these
moldings and refinements, David would exhibit the characteristics of God. In
the history of the Old Testament, we cannot find another king who had to endure
as much testing as David did before ascending to the throne. David was indeed
the precursor of the King of kings, Lord of lords, Jesus Christ, foretelling how
Christ had to first suffer iniquities before receiving glory, and completing
God¡¦s plan of salvation according to His will. As well, David desired to build
a holy temple on earth for the Lord, so that God¡¦s rule and togetherness may be
manifested in form among His people. This relates to God¡¦s intent to establish
His Everlasting Kingdom. That¡¦s why God promised David, ¡§I will raise up your
offspring to succeed you.¡¨ (2 Samuel 7:12) God meant that He would raise up
from among David¡¦s descendants a man who was after the Lord¡¦s heart even more
than David ¡V that is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. For He would indeed be King,
and would establish the House of God, a spiritual temple, that is the church.
And He would set up an Everlasting Kingdom, and become its King forever. That¡¦s
why there was this promise to David, ¡§Your house and your kingdom will endure
forever before me; your throne will be established forever.¡¨ (2 Samuel 7:16)
By: Daniel To