Four Major Observances at Sunday Worship                                


In her Shepherd’s Voice on September 10, Sister Esther Lau spoke to us about “The 5 Major Elements of Sunday Worship”. Besides that basic knowledge, this writer would like to remind everyone of certain aspects requiring attention during Sunday Worship.


1.      Dressing respectfully and neatly – When coming before God and remembering the Lord on His day, disciples must draw near and worship with a reverential heart. If we truly fear God in our hearts, that will be reflected in our behavior and attire. Christians (including members of both sexes and all ages) must dress respectfully and neatly, to be adorned with appropriate and decent clothing when attending Sunday service. Brothers should endeavor to wear suits and leather shoes. Youth would be more seemly in dress shirts and pants. The attire of sisters should be proprietary and becoming, not resorting to accoutrements of gold or silver, but befitting the decorum of disciples. Do not follow the latest revealing trend, but be discreet in your apparel. Parents should set a good example and teach their progeny to respect and fear God in all things, and to glorify God on the Lord’s Day through their clothing. It is not appropriate to wear jeans and sneakers to be in audience with God at Sunday Worship.


2.      Punctuality – We should be on time when attending all gatherings at the church and not come late or leave early. No matter whether we are joining the 9 AM Breaking of Bread Service or the 10 AM Worship and Sermon Service, we should arrive 5 to 10 minutes prior to the start. Arriving earlier at the church has many benefits – we will have more time to avoid being late due to traffic congestion or unexpected incidents en route, and we will not be rushed when parking. Consider that when going to a job interview or important appointment, we will always be punctual and not casually come late or leave early. Now we are meeting with God who created the heaven and the earth, should we not be even more punctual? Being timely at Sunday Worship indicates that we revere God and hold a gathering with His presence in high esteem.


3.      Silently pray and wait – Upon arrival at the meeting venue, we should first silently pray before God for one’s self, the members in service, the Lord’s servant and the congregation. Since Sunday Worship is a gathering that has Jesus Christ as its focus, we should be well prepared to interact with our Heavenly Father in mind and soul. Before the service, turn off all cell phones and then concentrate on praying, worshipping and listening to the sermon.


4.      Our attitude during the service – At the service we should put aside all worldly concerns and concentrate our thoughts, energy and emotions on worshipping our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. We should be earnest in our exaltation, dedicated in our singing of praises, and attentive in our listening of sermons. Don’t let your thoughts wander, but be of one mind with any member leading a prayer. In order to avoid forgetting the Lord’s words, notes can be taken during a sermon. Those members to arrive first should endeavor to sit farther up the hall and not block the aisles, so that late-arriving members can find seats and not disrupt the service with their entrance. Those members caring for infants should conscientiously bring their infants to the nursery on the second floor, so as not to affect the atmosphere of the service in the sanctuary. The parents gathering in the nursery should also keep their concentration, for they too are in an audience with God. After the service, the members should put into practice their love and consideration by greeting and interacting with other members nearby, and expressing their regard and concern to new friends, actively introducing themselves and the church. Hymnals should be returned neatly to the under-seat racks after use.


Finally, this writer wishes to mutually exhort you with the words of Paul: “I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 7:35)


By: Daniel To