What Mothers Need


“A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

Proverbs 31:30


Like all of us, mothers need to be praised. A mother who knows she is valued can handle almost anything. She has the skill and energy to cook, sew, teach, do business, care for her family, help the needy, and deal with difficulties.

But if a woman is never praised, she will feel unloved, unskilled, and useless. A mother needs to be thanked, prized, and praised every day.

A God-fearing woman is to be praised by her children, her husband, and "in the city gate" by community leaders. These days many community leaders--politicians, media, educators, bosses--honour glamour more than godliness. That can be discouraging.

But a mother will still be encouraged if her children stand and say, "God bless you, Mom, for being such a blessing to us." She will smile to hear her husband say, "I love you. Other women might do good things, but you're the best!"

The highest praise any woman can receive is praise from God. What counts most is what God thinks: "The unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit ... is of great worth in God's sight" (1 Peter 3:4).

Mothers, rejoice in the praise that comes from God. Husbands and children, praise God for Mom, and praise Mom in a way that echoes God's own praise of her.

We praise you, Lord, for godly wives and loving mothers. You have blessed us through them. Please also bless them through us and make them feel treasured by you. In Jesus, Amen.